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Doctor Who Coming Soon On FX!

We are a curious species. We can’t help but wonder what’s out there and ask “why?” from an early age – and we keep asking. We dream about what we could do and what we could be. Meet the Doctor, an iconic British hero and an alien from a race called the Time Lords who can travel in space and time, and he has saved the universe countless number of times. The Doctor, belonging to the planet Gallifrey is the last of the Time Lords - the rest of his kind appeared to be destroyed in the Time War but the Doctor tried to save them trapping them in a bubble universe and remain lost. Over 2000 years old, he can regenerate when his body becomes damaged and change his appearance completely. He has regenerated thirteen times till date.  He doesn’t use weapons or guns or even special powers, but instead is armed with his sharp intelligence and a sonic screwdriver.
 Holding true to its proposition of Edge of Entertainment and as part of the First on FX line up, the channel brings the new Doctor Who series to Indian viewers for the first time. It will begin from 15th May, Monday to Friday at 9 pm.