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&pictures presents '30 Days of Night'

&pictures brings one of Hollywood’s bone chilling vampire horror flicks '30 Days of Night' starring Josh Hartnett, Melissa George and Danny Huston which will air on &pictures under its ‘Hollywood Sunday’ timeslot on 12th April at 12 noon.

When the winter sun will set and will not rise for 30 days, a husband and wife team will come face-to-face with the worst nightmare ever. In the Northern Hemisphere, the small town of Barrow, Alaska, experiences a solid month of darkness every year. Though most of the residents head south for the winter, some people remain behind. However, those that stay regret their decision when, a group of hungry vampires descend on Barrow to feed on the fresh Blood. Sheriff Eben (Josh Hartnett), his wife (Melissa George) and a dwindling band of survivors must try to last until dawn breaks over Barrow's month long twilight.

Will the town survive the wrath of blood-thirsty vampires?
Tune-in to &pictures to catch this bone chiller horror flick, this Sunday, 12th April at 12 noon!