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Actress turned DJ Shilpi Sharma's unique birthday celebration

Shilpi Sharma
Shilpi Sharma

Its celebration time for actress turned DJ Shilpi Sharma as she turns a year younger today! The stylish DJ who has been grooving her fans with some peppy music and live events is spending her special day by sharing her bit of contribution towards society. Shilpi, who has always had a soft corner for the need ones and been a strong supporter of animal welfare, is going to distribute food items to the street children and dogs. Talking more about it, the birthday girl had to say, “Ever since my childhood days I have made a point that on my every birthday I do something special for someone. Last year I had spent my birthday with an old age home in Andheri. It is a completely different feeling of seeing smiles on people’s face because of you. I believe one should always give more to this world than take. I often go to Haji Ali, rehabilitation homes and orphanages where I get peace and happiness in doing something for them.”

Kuddos to this kind hearted DJ, she surely knows how to wins peoples heart! We give our regards on her birthday and hope this diva has a rocking year ahead.