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Shatabdi’s Life is in Danger

 Peterson Hill
Peterson Hill

What if you came to know that Shatabdi is not Kishorilal Chadda’s real sister in law? It would be shocking right? Well that’s how Peterson Hill is going to keep us entertained with a new twist to its story line. Sources say that Shatabdi played by Mansi Srivastav is portraying herself to be someone else in the show. Sources also say that, “The real story behind Shatabdi hiding her real identity is because she is fighting against a group of people who are drug addicts because of whom her friend lost his life. These people can cause Shatabdi’s life to be in danger because of the risk she has taken. Kishorilal Chadda along with his wife Pinky portrayed by Rohit Roy and Suchita Khanna respectively are the only ones who are aware of this situation in the entire Peterson Hill and who are helping her out.” Shatabdi while having a normal evening walk finds out that there is someone from that gang who has come to Peterson Hill and this is because of a black mark she sees on his hand which is a symbol of him being a part of that group because of whom her life is in danger.

What will happen next? Will Kishorilal Chadda along with his wife save Shatabdi from the danger she is in? Will the other people living in Peterson Hill forgive Shatabdi for lying about her identity?

To find out more don’t forget to tune in to Peterson Hill from Monday to Friday at 10:30pm only on SAB TV.