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Vije's Spooky Experience!

Vije Bhatia
Vije Bhatia

Vije Bhatia who makes his Bollywood debut in the horror film Mumbai 125 KM with Veena Malik experienced quite a spooky incident recently while the actor was travelling to Pune. Since he loves photography he kept stopping on the way to click pictures and that’s when he experienced something really weird. Vije shares, “I was halting to click photos and at one such point I again got down to click photographs. But post that when I got back into the car, to my amazement the car wouldn't start at all. It was running absolutely fine till then so it was really surprising to see a sudden break down. I had to wait for the mechanic who looked at the car and said there was no issue with it. They couldn’t find a problem thus they pushed the car for almost half a kilometre and then the car started abruptly. What I then realized was really shocking! A milestone read 125 kms and that’s precisely where my car had stopped. It was a co-incidence but it spooked me considering my Bollywood debut film is a horror film titled Mumbai 125 KM. But all’s well that ends well, I drove smoothly back home though I can never forget this incident.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia