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Tim Burton speaks about selecting the Big Eyes’ star cast!

Big Eyes
Big Eyes

Tim Burton’s Big Eyes is all set to release in India on 9th January, 2015. The director feels that Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz have painted a perfect picture of Margaret Keane’s life that she couldn’t believe how realistic it was. The movie is a true story based on artist Margaret, whose overbearing husband passed off her popular paintings of children with huge eyes as his own work in the 50s and 60s until she took him to court. Director Tim cast Amy Adams and Christoph Waltz as the couple, and said, “When Margaret finally saw it, the best compliments were, ‘Wow that was Walter that was the feeling’. She was very touched and a little freaked out. He had a very demonstrative, big personality and she was the opposite. She’s one of the most private, shyest people I’ve ever met and back then, in the late 50s and 60s, at least in the suburban world, women didn’t work. She admits she went along with it, and even in the courtroom, she didn’t do it for vengeance, she needed this weight lifted. And when she wins, she’s not out there on her soapbox – she’s the quietest, under the radar feminist. It wasn’t thrown in your face, she was very internal about it.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia