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Nisha's Gujarati Treat!

Nisha's Gujarati Treat!
Nisha's Gujarati Treat!

A break from a hectic shooting schedule is always welcome especially when it's about scrumptious food! Recently the team of Nisha Aur Uske Cousins experienced a similar break and had a wonderful time gorging on some authentic Gujarati food brought by the protagonist Nisha aka Aneri Vajani. True to her on-screen character, she pampers her co-stars off-screen too. She treated them with home cooked Gujarati delicacies all the way from Navsari, Gujarat. The young actor who hails from Navsari had visited her hometown just for a day but that was enough for her to get back a bag full of delicious food. Aneri shares, “I usually get food from home for my co-stars as they don’t stay with their families here. I am a proud Gujarati and love our food. All my co-stars are mad about Gujarati food so I thought of surprising them.”

- Dharmishtha Dagia