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Sudhir Sharma's flair for Photography!

Sudhir Sharma
Sudhir Sharma

Producer Sudhir Sharma has a special passion for photography. “We are all creative people and work under pressure. We all need something with which we can explore ourselves. Photography is something which I enjoy a lot and I keep travelling to places for photography. My favourite subject is wildlife and portraits as I get to see so many colours, characters and stories in different forms. Few months back I went to jungles of Serengeti in Tanzania and Masaimara National Reserve (Kenya). I know two very talented photographers one is Kaushik Chakraborty who is a big name in the advertising world. I try to meet him every Sunday and also Himanshu Seth with whom I go for  photo safari trips and workshops. I try to devote some time from my routine work as this passion of photography gives me a lot of relaxation and creative experience of different nature. I am collecting the best photographs so that I don’t run out of the bank for an exhibition that I am planning next year.” Sudhir also has a very good collection of photography gadgets.

- Dharmishtha Dagia