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Nomad Chef!

Nomad Chef
Nomad Chef

In a world of globalised brands and convenience foods, the idea of harvesting your own ingredients, eating a seasonal diet and cooking traditionally is in danger of going the way of the dodo. In this brand new series, chef Jock Zonfrillo celebrates the world’s native cuisines and saves a treasure trove of gastronomic knowledge from extinction. Packing nothing but a knife roll and a sense of adventure, Jock will embark on a journey to some of the most remote communities on the planet. Persuading the locals to share their unique knowledge of food with him, Jock will hunt, forage, harvest and cook with everyone from Amazonian Indians to Ethiopian highlanders. He then pays homage to their culinary know-how and culture by reinterpreting the most inspiring elements back at his restaurant in Adelaide. Can he translate some of the most confronting cooking habits into exquisite dining experiences for his for his seen-it-all-before customers? To find out, tune in to Nomad Chef as it premieres on 6th of December, every Saturday & Sunday at 7 pm only on TLC.

- Dharmishtha Dagia