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Nargis Fakhri teaches the Art of Oiling!

Nargis Fakhri announced the launch of (PAKC) Parachute Advansed Knowledge Centre’s Art of Oiling with international massage expert Moses Chundi. Nargis spoke about the little known benefits and demonstrated few oil massage techniques to the audience. In an effort to rediscover this fading art, PAKC along with Moses have developed a signature line of ‘Do It Yourself’ (DIY) massages.

Nargis Fakhri said ‘’I am very excited to be part of this initiative, that aims to rediscover the fading ‘Art of Oiling’ in India. I am a firm believer in the benefits of the holistic healing and wellness that one experiences after practicing the massage techniques in today’s erratic lifestyle. We all need a mantra to rejuvenate our overworked mind and body for which I strongly recommend that everybody should practice the signature line of DIY Massages developed by PAKC & Moses. This will help them not only to rejuvenate, but also give a host of other benefits. The Art of ‘Instant Energy’ massage is my favourite, as it helps me go through a tough day and boosts my energy instantly.’’

Moses Chundi said ‘Being in this field for more than 15 years, this is not only my profession but it’s my passion and an art for me. India is one of the origin for massages and oiling, but this art is slowly fading here. On the contrary, the West has caught on to this art enthusiastically. I am glad to rediscover this art in India with a launch of signature line of massages with the expert PAKC.”  The event was concluded with Nargis and Moses demonstrating few massage techniques to the journalists present at the event.

- Dharmishtha Dagia