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Priyanka Chopra on KBC

Priyanka Chopra on KBC
Priyanka Chopra on KBC

The episode starts with entry of Priyanka Chopra with the hauslebaaz contestant Ms. Usha Vishwakarma who is the founder of NGO Redbrigade. After Usha had been the victim of an attempted rape by a coworker at the age of 18, she decided that something needed to be done against the growing insecurity of women in India. After watching the AV, an emotional Priyanka Chopra is seen applauding Usha and talks about other victims are their plight. During a question AB acts out different types of boxing moves i.e. is upper cut etc.

AB & PC indulge in a little bit of mock boxing with each other after which PC says she was higly influenced by his movie Naseeb. AB express shock and despair at the plight of rape vicitims in our country, to which PC replies that every woman should learn how to defend herself against difficult siutuations like this. AB asks PC to sing her international song welcome to my city and she sings. Red Brigade sings their organisations inspiration anthem. Usha then gives tips to women on how to stay safe. PC says she would like to be associated to Usha's organisation red brigade. Usha explains the significance of her red and black uniform.